Sunday, April 24, 2011


Welcome to Miss Cooper's class blog!

This is where I will post updates on homework assignments, classwork, and units of study for our class. I may also give information about upcoming projects and volunteer opportunities. Feel free to comment with questions, comments, or concerns, or to email me at felicity [at] ou [dot] edu.

With this blog, I will also attempt to provide some resources for you, the parent, to help your child be successful with his or her homework and in school. If you have special requests for information you would like to receive (i.e. phonics instruction websites, links to explanations for math processes, information on history studies) please do not hesitate to ask. By posting your comments about topics you would like to learn more about, you can help me to provide you with the kinds of resources that would be most helpful to you and your child.

I believe that parents and teachers should work as a team for the success of every child. In order for your child to get the most out of this year in school, it is essential that we work together to identify his/her needs and address them as a team.

Thanks, and I look forward to working with you and your child!

- Felicity Cooper

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